how to compare 2 very large textfiles

Bob Sneidar bobs at
Thu Oct 6 19:59:40 EDT 2011

Not to beat a dead horse, but when converting a large string of text to an array, it might be somewhat faster to delete each line as you put it into the array, and only work with the first line. Very little scan times. 


On Oct 6, 2011, at 4:45 PM, Pete wrote:

> Thanks Alex.  I managed to cobble something together to get the test lists.
> I did try the binary search approach and it was way slower than the array
> approach as you predicted (Still much faster than the original code Matthias
> was using though).  So I'm happy with the array technique now.  Someone
> posted a variation on my original code which might be slightly faster.
> Pete
> Molly's Revenge <>

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