Setting visible of control within group to false

James Hurley jhurley0305 at
Mon Oct 3 13:41:42 EDT 2011

> Message: 16
> Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2011 19:25:25 -0500
> From: "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at>
> To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
> Subject: Re: Setting visible of control within group to false
> Message-ID: <4E8900F5.3010403 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> That's the default behavior, where a group resizes to accomodate its 
> objects. You can set the group's boundingrect property to prevent the 
> resizing.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
> And Key Ray wrote: 
> I think you can also set the lockLocation of the group to true to prevent it's resizing as well.
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
> Email: kray at
> Web Site:

Jacque and Ken,

Thanks for your suggestions. As usual, much of RR's finer points are lost on me. I should have consulted Richard's 4wProps to see the options available. Love that utility.

Actually I can't lock the bounding rectangle. I am experimenting with a new type  of programable graphics--at least new to me. And that is programing the dynamics objects moving within a group, a group that is also moving. 

As metaphor, consider a man rowing a boat across a lake. The man and boat are a group and the group is moving relative to the lake. But the man in the boat is also rowing within the group, moving his arms and back relative to the boat. 

So far controlling this motion-within-motion is working out better than I expected, thanks to RunRev's implementation of the group. (Working well within the limitations of graphics programing in RunRev. I have never found a way  to truly move an object smoothly across the screen. There is always some herky-jerky element in the motion. And then there is the long-standing screen refresh problem on the Mac.)

But my problem with repositioning a group when a component within the group has been set to invisible was easily fixed once I understood what was go on, namely, as you pointed out, the group resizes to accommodate only the VISIBLE elements. So when repositioning, be sure the group contains the same elements.

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