startup handler

Mark Smith Mark_Smith at
Mon Nov 28 21:31:53 EST 2011

Hi, just wondering if there is something special about the startup handler.
The following code (executed in the IDE) does nothing:

on startup
   if the cpassword of this stack is empty then
      ask password "Please enter a new password:"
      put it into temp1
      ask password "Please re-enter password:"
      put it into temp2
      if temp1 <> temp2 then 
         answer "Passwords do not match. Please try again"
      end if
      set the cpassword of this stack to temp2
   end if
   if the environment is "mobile" then
      iphoneSetAllowedOrientations "portrait,portrait upside down,landscape
left,landscape right"
   end if
end startup

Even though the following, downloaded and tested on an iPhone works fine:

on startup
  if the environment is "mobile" then
      iphoneSetAllowedOrientations "portrait,portrait upside down,landscape
left,landscape right"
   end if
end startup

Can "startup" not handle user I/O or..???


-- Mark

PS the code logic is fine, and worked once I moved the "interactive"
portions into the preOpenStack handler. But the documentation does not
appear to make mention of this limitation. I think.

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