revServer (again)

Mike Bonner bonnmike at
Fri Nov 25 09:20:04 EST 2011

It was revopendatabases() (plural) that was being used to test I think,
which doesn't take params.

Of course now that I think about it, is the server external identical to
the desktop? If not, maybe revopendatabases() is broke? I need to get
things fired up again and try it.

2011/11/25 Björnke von Gierke <bvg at>

> I'm not 100% sure, but when using invalid syntax with external functions,
> you get the same error as when using them when no externals are loaded (for
> standalones at least). so just issuing "revOpenDatabase()" with invalid
> params like that, you won't actually find out anything at all.
> So the question is, how to find out wether an external is loaded? Sadly
> that's extremely hard to do reliably. It's actually easier to do a fake db
> call that ought to work, for example using this code:
> try
>  revopendatabase("sqlite","doesRunOrNot.sqlite",,,)
>  --make sure your process has writing rights for the files position
> end try
> if there is no file "doesRunOrNot.sqlite" then
>  put "OH NOES!!!"
> end if
> The only other way i know is to find out all mainstacks, and all their
> substacks, then query each for their externals or externalCommands.
> I wish there where an application space externalCommands, because after
> all, externals _are_ application wide, and not bound to a single stack in
> function. Especially with server and the way externals work on mobile
> platforms, where they're bound to the home stack (I think, maybe someone
> can test that).

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