text color

John Brozycki johnb at hvc.rr.com
Tue Nov 22 13:36:24 EST 2011


Thanks!  You got me started with your first reply.  I saw that it was grabbing the first characters of the word, even if not what you wanted.  For example, if word was timebandit, but you wanted bandit, it selected "timeba".  Also, I messed up incrementing my offset, so it only got the first match correctly.  Here is my working code for setting the color for any specified search text in a field.  

Again, a HUGE thanks for your efforts!  Really appreciate it!  I'm sooo happy this finally works!

on mouseUp
     set the traversalOn of field "Results" to true
     put the text of field Results into tResults
     put the text of field "SearchField" into strSearch
     put the length of strSearch into tLength
     put 1 into tFramePos
     put 0 into tPreviousOffset
     repeat while tFramePos <> 0
           put wordOffset(strSearch,tResults,tPreviousOffset) into tFramePos
           put  word(tFramePos+tPreviousOffset) of tResults into tFullWord
           put offSet(strSearch,tFullWord) into tCharOffset
           if tCharOffset >= 0 then
              select char (tCharOffset) to (tCharoffset+tLength-1) of word (tFramePos+tPreviousOffset) of field "Results"
              set the textColor of the selection to red
           end if
           put tFramePos + tPreviousOffset into tPreviousOffset
          -- put tFramePos + tPreviousOffset into tPreviousOffset
     end repeat
     select empty
end mouseUp
On Nov 22, 2011, at 12:43 PM, Mike Bonner wrote:

> Last time. I swear. Really. Would help if I'd locate all the quirks before
> posting, eh?
> The problem with the last code is that if nothing is found it still hilites
> from the beginning of the field for the number of chars in the search
> string. So to fix that..

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