Android/iOS datapoints

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Nov 21 12:02:14 EST 2011

On 11/21/11 10:02 AM, Ben Rubinstein wrote:
> Does anyone have experience yet of selling an app (whether made with LC
> or not) in both iOS and Android marketplaces?
> I'd be particularly interested in apps that are sold (as opposed to free
> apps) but any data better than none.

I'll offer one data point but it is for an app that I purchased rather 
than wrote. There's a wonderful game called Quell that is available on 
both Android and iOS. When I purchased, on iOS it cost $5. On Android it 
cost $2. (The price has since changed for both.)

Android apps for the most part seem to be either much cheaper or free. I 
think it's true that Android users don't want to pay. I've been mulling 
this over myself as I get closer to releasing something.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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