Waiting for download to complete
Peter Bogdanoff
bogdanoff at me.com
Mon Nov 14 20:41:38 EST 2011
I'm using the following script to download a file. After the download I move on to other things, How do I force LiveCode to wait until the download is completed before doing anything else besides updating a progress bar?
Currently the program moves on to other handlers that are contingent on the download being finished, which it isn't.
on downloadFile
open stack "MITA_Updater"
repeat until the lockscreen is "false"
unlock screen
end repeat
updateStatus "Downloading the update..."
load URL "http://artsinteractive.org/updates/MITA-1NEW.livecode" with message "downloadDone"
libURLSetStatusCallback "myProgress",the long ID of scrollbar "Progress"
end downloadFile
on myProgress theObject,theStatus
put theStatus into theObject
end myProgress
on downloadDone pUrl, pStatus
put theURL & "MITA-1NEW.livecode" into thisURL
if pStatus = "cached" then
put url pUrl into url ("binfile:" & thisURL)
end if
unload url pUrl
end downloadDone
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