mouse within oval filled area: A solution using geometry
admin at
Sun Nov 13 16:04:43 EST 2011
For those who do not have LC5 or AE (ideas already suggested), here is a
solution to detect whether a point is within the filled area of an oval
graphic using polar geometry. It is offered as a starting point for a more
compact solution.
on mouseUp
--| Syntax: isWithinSegment(long ID,point)
put isWithinSegment(the long id of grc "myOval",the mouseLoc)
end mouseUp
function isWithinSegment pGrc.obj,pLoc
--| pGrc.obj is the long id of the graphic
--| pLoc is a point expressed as x,y
--| Returned value is "TRUE" or "FALSE"
if word 1 of pGrc.obj <> "graphic" then return ""
if the style of pGrc.obj <> "oval" then return ""
put the startAngle of pGrc.obj into tSA
put the arcAngle of pGrc.obj into tAA
put the width of pGrc.obj into W
put the height of pGrc.obj into H
put item 1 of the loc of pGrc.obj into objX
put item 2 of the loc of pGrc.obj into objY
put item 1 of pLoc into pointX
put item 2 of pLoc into pointY
--| Get the point's relative coordinates...
put pointX - objX into x
put pointY - objY into y
if y=0 then
--| Handle the exceptions...
if x>0 then put 0 into tAngle
else put 180 into tAngle
put atan ((x*H)/(y*W)) into tAngle
--| Convert from radians to degrees...
put (tAngle * 180 / pi) into tAngle
--| Adjust the angle according to the quadrant...
put (tAngle MOD 180)+90 into tAngle
if y>0 then add 180 to tAngle
end if
return (tAngle>= tSA) AND (tAngle<=tSA+tAA)
end isWithinSegment
Hugh Senior
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