Problem with reading Preferences file

Charles Szasz cszasz at
Sun Nov 13 14:20:29 EST 2011

Mark and Klaus,

Yes, you are right. 

put url ("binfile:" & specialFolderPath("preferences") & "/" & "mileage_prefs") 

does work!  

I will try the following Windows code again and see if it will work. The last time it did not work.

IF the platform is "win32" then
      if there is a file (specialFolderPath(26) & "/" & "mileage_prefs") then 
         put url ("binfile:" & specialFolderPath(26) & "/" & "mileage_prefs") into tPrefs
         put arrayDecode(tPrefs) into tPrefs
         -- now fill in all my data...
         put tPrefs["name"] into field "name" of card id 1002 of stack "prefs"
         put tPrefs["name"] into field "name" of card "one" of stack "mileage report"
      end if  
   end if


Charles Szasz
cszasz at

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