CLI support in LC (was [OT?] ADOBE DROPS FLASH for HTML5)

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Sat Nov 12 09:46:18 EST 2011

Mark Wieder touched on a subject recently dear to my heart when he wrote:

> ...and we used to be have that ability, before it was nixed in rev 4.0
> or something. I used to create little stack apps to do tasks and run
> them from the commandline with the -f option. Made for a nice
> alternative to perl or <insert another tool here>.
> Now I do that with ruby. Another market niche lost to LiveCode.

IIRC, -f was to prevent file access, yes?

Is there a way that using secureMode might work for what you need?

If not, is there any chance we might get -f reinstated?  It does seem a 
very useful flag to be able to pass to the engine.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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