Wasting space on the forum.

Peter M. Brigham, MD pmbrig at gmail.com
Thu Nov 10 18:50:32 EST 2011

I also prefer to see something about the current thread in the reply itself, at least enough to recognize the context. It drives me crazy to see a short reply to something and then "View this message in context:..." -- mostly I ignore such messages when the subject header doesn't immediately illuminate things, which it may not, if the last piece of the thread dates back a week or so.

However, I'm in favor of brevity as long as it doesn't sacrifice intelligibility. It only takes a minute to edit the quotes to shorten things up and, especially, delete the repeated 5-line "use-livecode mailing list..." footers, which really are a waste of space.

-- Peter

Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at gmail.com

On Nov 10, 2011, at 8:43 AM, DunbarX at aol.com wrote:

> Francis.
> I agree with Mark. It is very convenient to see the recent history of any discussion, laid out below the current entry for quick access. Beats opening other eMails located heaven knows where, or searching the archives.
> Space is cheap.
> Craig Newman
> Mark Schonewille <m.schonewille at economy-x-talk.com> wrote:
>> Hi Francis,
>> Usually I don't reply to messages that don't quote the preceding message. If you 
>> would like me to answer your questions and take part in discussions that may 
>> benefit you, quote the previous message. If you don't want me to reply, don't 
>> quote.
>> On 10 nov 2011, at 13:09, Francis Nugent Dixon wrote:
>>> Hi to any culpritsl,
>>> Sorry to any of you who include past mails
>>> within their new mail ....... BUT .........
>>>      You are wasting space !
>>> Some of you go up to 6 or 7 levels, without
>>> thinking that we don't need to see the same
>>> information 6 or 7 times.
>>> If anybody wants to follow whatever was
>>> said on that thread, they can always use :
>>> http://lists.runrev.com/pipermail/use-livecode/
>>> With thanks from us others .......

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