text size and HTMLtext

吉野 孝 yoshino at sys.wakayama-u.ac.jp
Thu Nov 3 03:51:16 EDT 2011


I have a question about text size and HTMLtext. 

I want to use Japanese text in my LiveCode stacks.
I can input Japanese text to a field by only using HTMLtext.

But, I don't  change text size of Japanese font size.
English font can change.

Here is my sample script.

on mouseUp
  repeat with i=10 to 48
     set the textsize of fld "ja" to i
     set the textsize of fld "en" to i
     wait 10 ticks
     put i into msg
  end repeat
end mouseUp

I need your help.

_.__ ._ _. ._ ._.__ .. ._._. _._ . ..__ ._.__ ._._. ___. .._ __.. __ .._ 
Takashi Yoshino 
Tel: +81-73-457-8441

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