strange text problem

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Tue Nov 1 17:00:35 EDT 2011

On 11/1/11 11:06 AM, Chris Sheffield wrote:
> Unfortunately that didn't work. I did try setting the width of the
> text field to the formattedWidth, which seems to help, but I've still
> got the shifting going on sometimes. It's almost as if by changing
> the color of a chunk it's causing the field to wrap its text
> differently. Very strange.
> Any other suggestions?

It sounds like setting a text color widens the text slightly. That would 
cause a rewrap. If your default color is black, I wonder if you could 
fudge it by changing the default color to something that is a tiny 
increment different. Instead of black, try "1,0,0". The engine would see 
this as a "color" instead of the default and might retain its colorized 
width. The difference to the human eye would be imperceptible.

Just a guess but maybe worth a try.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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