Creating a scrollview with Livecode

Eric Peyron eps11 at
Wed Mar 2 16:14:01 EST 2011

Thanks Jim! I just copied the code, cleaned it up a little, tweaked it and it works! 

One of the things I can't seem to grasp right now is why the scrolling is disabled when I change iphoneControlSet sScrollerId, "visible", "true" into iphoneControlSet sScrollerId, "visible", "false" What I want is to hide the scroller so that the reader can only see the image. When I enter false, it hides the scroller, but not the part where it should be, and the image doesn't scroll anymore. Does someone have a way to just enable scrolling and not showing the scroller part?

The scrolling part of the code also seems to cancel the zooming part of the code. The scrolling part comes from the Mobile Scroller Example stack, and the resizing part from the iPhone Pinch Lesson stack. Does someone have an idea of what part of these codes is canceling the other part?

Thanks in advance, 

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