Text analysis and author, anyone done it?

Ronald Zellner zellner at tamu.edu
Thu Jun 30 16:01:18 EDT 2011

Not intending to get into the specific topic, but the process in a recent article is related to your question:

"The new software analyzes style and word choices to distinguish parts of a single text written by different authors, and when applied to the Bible its algorithm teased out distinct writerly voices in the holy book."

"The program, part of a sub-field of artificial intelligence studies known as authorship attribution, has a range of potential applications – from helping law enforcement to developing new computer programs for writers. But the Bible provided a tempting test case for the algorithm’s creators."

Allison Pollalrd has a PPT on the topic:  lyle.smu.edu/~rewini/5-7339/allison.ppt

Has these references:

Ephratt, Michal. Authorship attribution - the case of lexical innovations. http://www.cs.queensu.ca/achallc97/papers/p006.html
Gerritsen, Corey M.  Authorship Attribution Using Lexical Attraction. http://genesis.csail.mit.edu/papers/Gerritsen2003.pdf
Holmes, David I.  Stylometry: Its Origins, Development and Aspirations.  http://www.cs.queensu.ca/achallc97/papers/s004.html
Pfleeger, Charles P. and Shari Lawrence Pfleeger.  Security in Computing.  Pg 342. 

Whether or not the processes can be translated into LC code  is a separate issue.

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