Wondering about LC and HTML5
Chipp Walters
chipp at chipp.com
Mon Jun 20 21:05:25 EDT 2011
I guess I'm not as concerned who codes it at this point, but rather is it
something needed? And if so, what are the challenges? Andre once started on
a javascript compiler for Rev, so he may know more about this.
On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 7:54 PM, Phil Davis <revdev at pdslabs.net> wrote:
> On 6/20/11 4:30 PM, Paul Looney wrote:
>> Phil Davis?
> Naaah - I know the guy pretty well and he's not up to the task. Maybe...
> Tereza Snyder?
> Phil Davis
>> On Jun 20, 2011, at 3:21 PM, Chipp Walters wrote:
>> As it appears more and more companies are starting to focus on HTML5 app
>>> delivery, thus bypassing all sorts of App Stores (see:
>>> http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/**15/facebook-project-spartan/<http://techcrunch.com/2011/06/15/facebook-project-spartan/> AND excuse
>>> reference to an MG Siegler written article! ;-).
>>> This seems on the surface like a pretty decent strategy for many. Code
>>> once,
>>> deliver everywhere. OK, so I know it's not that simple. But we all have
>>> heard the story before. That's why we're here now. Still, a cursory
>>> overview
>>> of the industry shows there is nothing as easy as LC for coding up HTML5
>>> apps-- in fact, not even close.
>>> Certainly, we all know LC plugins for browsers isn't the answer. It seems
>>> to
>>> me it would be a good idea for LC or someone else to evaluate what it
>>> takes
>>> to export to HTML5. Andre, perhaps you may have an idea. Or anyone else.
>>> It
>>> sure would solve a lot of problems for all of us in the future-- as more
>>> and
>>> more clients are going to want to take their apps to the clouds. In fact,
>>> many of the projects on my plate right now would benefit from a LC to
>>> HTML5
>>> plugin.
>>> If someone were to help LC write one, would anyone else be interested in
>>> purchasing it? Inquiring minds would like to know ;-)
>>> --
>>> Chipp Walters
>>> CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
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> Phil Davis
> PDS Labs
> Professional Software Development
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Chipp Walters
CEO, Shafer Walters Group, Inc.
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