the mouseText and Unicode: CONCLUSION
Slava Paperno
slava at
Sun Jun 19 01:20:19 EDT 2011
Thanks to everyone who posted all the fun stuff in this thread today.
The workaround below combines ideas from all of you.
I learned two essential things from you guys:
1) mouseChunk, mouseText, mouseCharChunk, and a couple of related functions return the positions of bytes, not characters. In a purely Roman or purely non-Roman field this can be easily dealt with, but not in a bilingual text. (Punctuation in a non-Roman text makes it bilingual.)
2) a double-byte character whose first byte is such that byteToNum(it) evaluates to 32 is taken by "the number of words" and probably other functions to be a word boundary and makes them confused; an example is the Russian upper case R (decimal 1056).
Here is a handler that works, with copious comments. If any of them are wrong, please let me know.
on mouseUp
--this is attached to field "TextToClick" that contains bilingual (Russian+English) text;
--this field has its lockText set to true;
--the purpose of this exercise is to retrieve and display in another field the word that the user has clicked;
--NOTE: the mouseChunk and the mouseText are useless in a Unicode field;
--equally useless is the select command when used with these expressions, as in "select the mouseChunk";
local locStart, locEnd
local locClickedLine
local locEntireText
local locEscapeCounter
if the mouseCharChunk is empty then
set the unicodeText of field "ClickedWord" to uniEncode("You clicked an empty space.", "UTF8")
exit mouseUp
end if
put word 2 of the mouseLine into locClickedLine
--"line" is really a paragraph: it is defined by the return character, not by soft wrapping; locClickedLine is not used below, but it is accurate
put word 2 of the mouseCharChunk into locStart
put word 4 of the mouseCharChunk into locEnd
--a strategy based on "the number of words in char 1 to locEnd" bombs when the text before locEnd contains the upper case Russian R (1056);
--this is probably because the first byte in the two-byte representation of 1056 evaluates to 32, and LC takes it for a word delimiter;
--relying on the accuracy of the values that are returned by the mouseCharChunk is dubious because these are the positions of bytes, not characters:
-- one byte for each Roman character and two bytes for each non-Roman character; this kills a couple of other strategies
--the strategy below is based of "the selection" and is not dependent on the accuracy of the mouseCharChunk values: the correct chunk is selected anyway
set useUnicode to true
put the unicodeText of field "TextToClick" into locEntireText --this is UTF16
put uniDecode(locEntireText, "UTF8") into locEntireText --this is UTF8
--look for a word boundary to the left of the click
repeat until (locStart < 1)
if byteToNum(byte locStart of locEntireText) is among items of 9, 10, 32 then
add 1 to locStart
exit repeat
end if
subtract 1 from locStart
end repeat
--look for a word boundary to the right of the click
repeat until (locEnd >= length(locEntireText))
if byteToNum(byte locEnd of locEntireText) is among items of 9, 10, 32 then
subtract 1 from locEnd
exit repeat
end if
add 1 to locEnd
end repeat
select char locStart to locEnd of field "TextToClick"
set the unicodeText of field "ClickedWord" to the unicodeText of the selection
--adjacent punctuation will be displayed as part of the word and can be easily trimmed
pass mouseUp
end mouseUp
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