the selectedText of a Unicode field

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Fri Jun 17 05:27:41 EDT 2011

Hi Slava,

You can try this:

set the unicodetext of fld "YourSelection" to the unicodetext of the selection


set the unicodetext of fld "YourSelection" to the unicodetext of the selectedChunk

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 17 jun 2011, at 09:31, Slava Paperno wrote:

> Briefly, here is the problem:
> put the selectedText of field "BilingualText" of this card into
> tCurrSelection
> --the field may hold, for example, the two words Боб Bob, which is the
> string assigned to the unicodeText prop. of the field
> set the unicodeText of field "YourSelection" of this card to tCurrSelection
> --alternatively:
> set the unicodeText of field "YourSelection" of this card to
> uniEncode(tCurrSelection, "UTF8")
> Neither alternative works for bilingual text. One version works only for
> English, the other works only for Russian. In each case, the other language
> is unreadable in field "YourSelection".
> In detail:


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