Edit field into datagrid

Bob Sneidar bobs at twft.com
Thu Jun 9 12:38:34 EDT 2011

I may misunderstand, but it sounds a lot like asking what car should you buy to get groceries from the store. ;-) It's too vague. WHICH field? Which row? Which column? Not enough info. 

If you mean you want to begin editing at the first row, first column, or perhaps save the last edited cell and enter that when you click the button, that can be managed. 

I'm not quite sure where, but in the behavior script of your datagrid, there should be a method or command for editing a cell. It's what you get when you double click on a cell in an editable datagrid. I don't have the time to look into it myself, but if you do it will be a good lesson on the inner workings of a datagrid. 

But since your user can double click to edit a datagrid, why would you need a button? Also, it *may* work to simply send a double click to the location of the cell you want to edit. But that is a bit kludgy. 


On Jun 9, 2011, at 7:06 AM, Alessandro Pisoni wrote:

> how can I create a button that when I click I go to edit a field in a datagrid?
> Cordiali Saluti
> Alessandro Pisoni
> System.ini di Pisoni Alessandro
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> 20062 Cassano d'Adda (MI)
> Tel 0363-361487 Fax 1782260060 Cell. 335440150
> email:info at system-ini.it
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