Local files in revBrowser
Mike Bonner
bonnmike at gmail.com
Thu Jun 9 09:08:37 EDT 2011
As long as I make sure mapFolder and map.html are in the right place, it
works for me as written, so not sure whats up. Whats it doing on your end?
On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 6:03 AM, John Dixon <dixonja at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> I wonder if someone could shed some light on a problem I am having. The
> script below works fine running under MacOSX, but it does not want to work
> running under Windows ?..
> If having the stack would help, I would send it to you.
> I am really stumped... any help would be appreciated.
> local browserID
> on preOpenStack
> set itemDel to "/"
> set the defaultfolder to item 1 to -2 of (the effective fileName of this
> stack)
> set the loc of this stack to screenLoc()
> end preOpenStack
> on openCard
> /* get the path to the html file */
> put the defaultFolder & "/mapFolder/map.html" into adJustWindows
> /* replace the spaces, if there are any, in the URL filepath */
> replace space with "%20" in adjustWindows
> /* set up the browser instance */
> put revBrowserOpen (the windowId of this stack, "file:///" &
> adjustWindows) into browserID
> revBrowserSet browserID, "scrollbars", false
> revBrowserSet browserID, "showborder", true
> revBrowserSet browserID, "rect",rect of image "browserimage"
> end openCard
> on resizeStack
> /* keep the browser 16 pxs from the bottom to be able to get to the
> resize window box */
> set the rect of image "browserImage" to 0, 0 & "," & (the width of this
> stack) & "," & (the height of this stack -16 )
> revBrowserSet browserID, "rect", rect of image "browserImage"
> pass resizeStack
> end resizeStack
> on closeCard
> /* destroy the browser instance when the card closes */
> if browserID is not empty then revBrowserClose browserID
> end closeCard
> take care,
> Dixie
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