process data in steps of 50 lines

Matthias Rebbe matthias_livecode at
Tue Jun 7 17:07:33 EDT 2011

Hi Mark,

could you please explain how you did that. How you chunk the data into groups?

That is not clear for me.


Am 07.06.2011 um 20:46 schrieb Mark Talluto:

> On Jun 7, 2011, at 6:27 AM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
>> Since the data is already in memory, there is no reason to process it in steps of 50. Also, using repear with x =... is very slow. Use repear for each with a counter instead:
> I believe there is a major speed benefit to chunking the data into smaller groups.  We optimized a data processing app with this technique and brought tasks from minutes of processing down to milliseconds.
> The technique chunks the data into groups of 600 lines.  Then you use a basic repeat.  No with or for each.  Then you read just the first line of the repeat.  Then delete the first line of the dataset.  You will see a major improvement in speed.
> Best regards,
> Mark Talluto
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