How do you build the tabs like in the script editor

Mark Stuart mstuart at
Mon Jun 6 16:00:33 EDT 2011

on Mon Jun 6 10:59:46 CDT 2011, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>>I think the OP means horizontal tabs, since that's what the LiveCode
editor uses.

That's as simple as setting up a tab button where each tab opens either 
the correct card, or shows the correct group.<<

Hi Jaqueline and Richard,
Thanx for the replies.
The tabs will be dynamically added and removed with a close button on
each tab. The document content on each tab is not editable, viewable
So it seems like the tab object is not really a tab object in LC, but
rather a grouped object of buttons: one for the tab and one for the
Close image button.

I think I'll have to have a go at building this.
Does anyone have any more ideas on this?

Mark Stuart

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