Logical Expressions

Dick Kriesel dick.kriesel at mail.com
Mon Jun 6 04:39:45 EDT 2011

Now that you've made your code work, you can consider making it shorter and faster.

LiveCode supports the syntax:
put <boolean expression> into <container>

For example,
put gUSL <= pos_vrange and gUSL >= neg_vrange into Tester[x]["rng_check"]

-- Dick

On Jun 6, 2011, at 12:37 AM, Van Brollini wrote:

> stupid mistake. was not referencing cell. pos_range should be tTester[x]["pos_range"]
> works right now.
> thanks.
> ----- Start Original Message -----
> Sent: Mon, 6 Jun 2011 08:21:18 +0100
> From: John Dixon <dixonja at hotmail.co.uk>
> To: <use-livecode at lists.runrev.com>
> Subject: RE: Logical Expressions
>> Does this work for you... shedding the outer brackets ?
>> if (gUSL <= pos_vrange) AND (gUSL >= neg_vrange) then
>>> What is the best way to do multiple logical comparisons and get them to work?
>>> For example
>>>  if ((gUSL <= pos_vrange) AND (gUSL >= neg_vrange))  then
>>>               get TRUE
>>>               put it into tTester[x]["rng_check"]
>>>            else
>>>               get FALSE
>>>               put it into tTester[x]["rng_check"]
>>>            end if
>>> This does NOT work, while below does work.  I need to get the top one to work
>>>  if ((gUSL <= pos_vrange) )  then
>>>               get TRUE
>>>               put it into tTester[x]["rng_check"]
>>>            else
>>>               get FALSE
>>>               put it into tTester[x]["rng_check"]
>>>            end if
>>> Thanks in advance,
>>> Van
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