[ANN] DropTools Palette - Makes using and distributing custom controls a breeze

Jim Ault jimaultwins at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 5 15:02:55 EDT 2011

On Jun 5, 2011, at 11:41 AM, Mike Bonner wrote:

> I think its asking what folder you want it to put the library in,  
> then it
> creates it on its own, and will supply the correct "start using.. "  
> command.
> Or add it to the stack for you.
> I did notice a typo in 1 line of the library script
> *  put ("stack" && q("_" & pCalSize & "Calendar")) && "of stack" &&  
> q(the
> short name of me) into tCalStack*
> Causes an error, remove the 2 extraneous q's and it works great.
> My fresh copy of the calendar (as of 12:30 (gmt -7)) has the typo.

The 'q' is a function that does quoting of the string.

Evidently the script container that has
    function q incomingString
    end q
is not available

The time is may be necessary is when pCalSize or the short name of the  
stack contain spaces.

My technique for this is to do

put quote into q

   put ("stack" && q& "_" & pCalSize & "Calendar" &q) && "of stack" &&  
q& the
short name of me &q into tCalStack*
-- where I don't need the function and uses the same number of chars

Hope this helps

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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