Is it possible to get rid of The Save Stack Dialog?
Jan Schenkel
janschenkel at
Sun Jun 5 14:08:49 EDT 2011
--- On Sun, 6/5/11, Todd Geist <todd at> wrote:
> Hello
> How does one stop the Save Stack Dialog that pops up in the
> IDE when ever
> you close a stack? In my testing On closeStackRequest
> doesn't fire until
> AFTER the dialog pops up and the user clicks "Save", So
> doing this
> *on* closeStackRequest
> *save* this stack
> *pass* closeStackRequest
> *end* closeStackRequest
> Doesn't work.
> I am using LiveCode 4.6.1
> Thank you
> Todd
Hi Todd,
As you said, the dialog box only pops up in the IDE.
This is done as follows:
- there is a frontscript aptly named 'revFrontscript' which traps the 'closeStackRequest' message and immediately executes the 'revIDEHandleCloseStackRequest' command
- this command is actually part of a backscript named 'revBackscript', which uses another function 'revSaveCheck' in the same script to determine if the stack was edited and if so, show the 'Do you want to save changes' dialog box
-> this in turn may call the 'revSave' or 'revSaveAs' command in the same backscript, which shows the fancy 'Saving' palette
So the only way to prevent this dialog from popping up, is inserting your own backscript to trap this 'revIDEHandleCloseStackRequest' before it gets to the 'revBackscript' so you can suppress normal handling if it's your stack.
Create a button in your project stack, name it something like 'NoSaveDialogBackscript' and set its script to:
command revIDEHandleCloseStackRequest pTarget
-- closeStackRequest is sent to the current card of the stack
-- so we can derive the name of the stack from pTarget
local tTargetStack
put the owner of pTarget into tTargetStack
if the cThisStackDoesItsOwnSaving of tTargetStack is "true" then
return "pass"
end if
-- if it's not our stack, let the IDE do its thing...
pass revIDEHandleCloseStackRequest
end revIDEHandleCloseStackRequest
Next, you'll need to make sure this backscript is loaded at startup of your project stack, so add the following to its stack script:
on openStack
insert the script of button "NoSaveDialogBackscript" of card 1 of me \
into front
-- always play nice and pass the message
pass openStack
end openStack
on closeStack
remove the script of button "NoSaveDialogBackscript" of card 1 of me \
from front
-- always play nice and pass the message
pass closeStack
end closeStack
Finally, set the cThisStackDoesItsOwnSaving custom property of your project stack to "true" - now save everything, close LiveCode, re-open it and your stack, and from now on, all should work as you like.
Caveat: if the RunRev engineers change the name of the command in the next release of LiveCode, you'll have to update your backscript, but that's the way the cookie crumbles :-)
Jan Schenkel.
Quartam Reports & PDF Library for LiveCode
"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time." (La Rochefoucauld)
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