Where does survive the inventive user ?

Timothy Miller gandalf at doctorTimothyMiller.com
Thu Jul 28 22:24:56 EDT 2011

What Bob said.


On Jul 28, 2011, at 3:50 PM, Bob Sneidar wrote:

> I don't agree that Hypercard didn't work. It worked amazingly! Just not as a mainstream development environment, but it was never marketed or presented as such. A lot of people wrote Xcmd's for it. One guy wrote an Xcmd that allowed you to access a dBase database file and read and write to it. It wasn't very good though, very buggy, but the concept was sound. 
> I think Hypercard happened too early, and lacked so many things for so long that people eventually went elsewhere. It took them forever to include color support, and then it wasn't very good, and Apple had already been trying to dump it for some time. It was a half hearted effort on Apple's part that really spelled the doom of Hypercard, and who can blame them? It wasn't exactly a profit center!
> Bob

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