Clicks along a line

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Wed Jul 27 11:49:11 EDT 2011


Why exactly does it click on your desktop? If you re-calculate the locations, it should click on the card. There's a function globalLoc().

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

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On 27 jul 2011, at 17:34, barryb at wrote:
> Hello Mark,
> Thanks for another prompt reply, however I have tried everything
> in the book connected with mouseloc. 
> Infact, screenMouseLoc worked well but 'clicked' along a line
> on my desktop!
> My objects are in the card ;),and also received the clicks but,
> as I want to return the color, nothing happened because my desktop
> is all black.  The mouseLoc works in the first line and defining each
> point absolute slows things down.
> Anyway I feel I'm getting closer.
> Gratefully Barry  

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