A case of assigned behavior not taken into account

André Bisseret andre.bisseret at wanadoo.fr
Wed Jul 27 07:41:26 EDT 2011


On an app. I am developing on Mac, I have a main stack a substack of which is a model used for creating new stacks which are cloned from the model and saved as "independent" stacks (not substacks).

The scripts of the card 1 of this model and of all objects on this card are all together in a behavior button which is assigned to this card 1. 
This behavior is on card 2 of the main stack.

All is working well on Mac. 

But when I load the standalone for Windows on a PC (by means of a USB key) then a newly created stack from the model is inert. 
Meanwhile, I verified that the behavior is actually assigned to the card 1 of the new stack, but all behaves like this was not the case!

If, by script, I reassign the behavior to card 1 of the model before cloning it, then the new stack is working as expected.

So I could stay with this reassignment but…

Is it normal (seems not to me!), or am I missing something ?

Any hint much appreciated

Best regards from Grenoble


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