previous page button of browser opening on-rev server page

Dave Cragg dave.cragg at
Tue Jul 26 16:38:48 EDT 2011

On 26 Jul 2011, at 14:54, paolo mazza wrote:
> Actually the script suggested by Jan works, and I get a page with 2
> new headers. However, for some reasons, the browser do not reload the
> page.
> Dave, you are right,  I was unfair with PHP...  still, at least "put
> the long date"  is pretty elegant.

I should apologize as I butted in without following the earlier mails. But your problem has got me interested as I didn't know the back button doesn't respect the cache settings.

I found this solution using "no-store" that appears to work for Firefox but not Safari. Can't test IE right now.

For PHP...
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store,  must-revalidate");
header("Expires: Fri, 30 oct 1998 14:18:41 GMT");
echo date("Y:m:d-H:i:s");

For Livecode (not tested)

put header "Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"
put header "Expires: Fri, 30 oct 1998 14:18:41 GMT"
put the long time


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