Exact zooming/resizing of stacks and groups

Fred Moyer fmoyer at aol.com
Sun Jul 24 22:32:46 EDT 2011

Has anyone done the heavy lifting to figure out how to do an exact resize/zoom of a stack or a group inside of a stack? What I am talking about is stuff like:

- adjusting the margins of fields as they resize
- adjusting the textsize and textheight of characters in fields as they resize
- adjusting the linesize of lines and bordered graphics as they resize
- keeping the same relative vscroll and hscroll as fields resizes

I think it would be a lot of work to figure this out; there are lots of factors to consider. But I assume someone has done it already. 

Of course, I am only talking about "proportional" resizing where the the x and y proportions remain the same.

Fred Moyer

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