Lion problem report and fix

Ken Ray kray at
Fri Jul 22 17:22:21 EDT 2011

On Jul 22, 2011, at 4:12 PM, Scott Morrow wrote:

> In the case of a "splash screen" application where the executable "appears" to have the ability to update itself by deleting the old stack files containing the UI / logic and downloading and running new stack file(s), where would be the best place to put the UI / Logic files? I had come to the conclusion that the user's Application Support  folder was best, since a user with a managed account could still update the application without the need of a system admin.

Yes, that's one place to keep it - the other is inside the application bundle. For *me* it comes down to this: will the location of these stacks need to be "user-accessible"? Meaning, will the user ever need to look at or manipulate them? If the answer is "yes", then I'd suggest ~/Application Support/<appName>. If not, then I'd suggest putting it inside the application bundle. 

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:	

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