How is it?

Richard Gaskin ambassador at
Thu Jul 21 19:03:56 EDT 2011

Bob Sneidar wrote:
 > How is it that I can have the selection tool selected, and clicking
 > on an object sends a mouseUp to it and executes the script? Is anyone
 > else seeing wierdness like this in 4.6.3?

Is this in the IDE or in a standalone only?  If in the IDE, does it only 
happen when "Suspend IDE" is active?

When the mouse goes up a mouseUp message is sent, regardless whether the 
pointer or browse tool is active (U have an RQCC request for a separate 
suite of messages for the pointer tool like SuperCard provides, but 
that's another story).

Historically, the IDE eats those messages when the pointer tool is active.

If this isn't happening that way for you it may be a bug.  While it 
would reflect engine behaviors, it can be confusing to try to author 
like that.

  Richard Gaskin
  Fourth World
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