Setting a dirty flag for a file
Peter Brigham MD
pmbrig at
Thu Jul 21 17:08:52 EDT 2011
On Jul 21, 2011, at 4:02 PM, Mark Schonewille wrote:
> Hi Charles,
> I read your e-mail again. I understand that you want to know whether one or more fields have changed, not whether a file is open.
> Usually, I generate an md5Digest and save that:
> on closeField
> makeDigest
> end closeField
> on makeDigest
> put empty into myDigest
> repeat with x = 1 to number of fields
> put md5Digest(fld x & myDigest) into myDigest
> end repeat
> set the cDigest of this stack to myDigest
> end makeDigest
> function dataChanged
> put empty into myDigest
> repeat with x = 1 to number of fields
> put md5Digest(fld x & myDigest) into myDigest
> end repeat
> return (the cDigest of this stack is myDigest)
> end dataChanged
> You just will have to figure out what is a smart event to check the digest: closing a field, closing a window, opening a window, refreshing the file menu, etc.
> When you close the window, you might want to do this:
> on closeStackRequest
> if dataChanged then
> answer "Do you want?" with "Don't Save" or "OK" or "No"
> if it containt "Don't" then
> exit closeStackRequest
> else if it is "No" then
> pass closeStackRequest
> else
> // do your saving stuff here
> // return true if the file was saved
> if the result is true then
> pass closeStackRequest
> end if
> end if
> end if
> end closeStackRequest
I use a frontscript -- wholesale is better than retail:
on closefield
pass closefield
end closefield
on setDirty tf
if tf = empty then put true into tf
put the version into v
replace "." with empty in v
if v < 453 then exit setDirty
-- version must be 4.5.3 or higher,
-- or you just create a new customprop
set the modifiedMark of stack "myStack" to tf
end setDirty
If you want to exclude certain fields, use a customprop to mark fields that shouldn't trigger setDirty when edited:
set the the dontFlagDirty of fld "excludedFld" to true
Then in the closeField handler in the frontscript, insert as the first line
if the dontFlagDirty of the target <> true then pass closefield
Changes other than field content that should be saved (radiobuttons or checkboxes, etc) can be handled, eg, with a mouseup handler in the frontscript, and suitable checks on the target. (Pass the mouseup!)
I also do:
on preopenstack
set dirty false
... <rest of your initialization here> ...
end preopenstack
-- Peter
Peter M. Brigham
pmbrig at
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