age calculation on Windows vs Mac

André Bisseret andre.bisseret at
Tue Jul 19 12:23:26 EDT 2011


I am a Mac user but I recently bought a PC (windows 7) in order to test my standalones for windows more quickly.

I am fighting for hours now with the following problem :

In an app., I have a handler that calculates the age  from the short birth date  (thanks to Jim Ault who gave it on the list).
The birth date is jj/mm/AAAA or jj/mm/AA as well.

This handler works fine on Mac, but not on windows. 

On windows, the age is invariably 100 if the birth year < 1970. (with JJ/MM/AA or JJ/MM/AAAA (as bad ;-(
If the birth year > = 1970 then the age is correct.

I tried to play with the centuryCutOff but without any success (on windows).

I am not familiar with Windows : what am I missing ? Is it a matter of computer setting or should I program differently for windows than for mac !?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help

Best regards from Grenoble


P.S. By the way, I used to use a search engine (if I well remember, it was in the help menu of livecode) I do not find it any more; has it been suppressed ? (or here again, I am missing something !)

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