getting from exe to Livecode

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Mon Jul 11 13:13:08 EDT 2011

On 7/11/11 4:53 AM, planix wrote:

> I do, however, have a windows exe file of the last version which I (happily
> enough) emailed to a student to use in his project. I bet you can see where
> this is going. Can anyone tell me whether there is a straightforward (not
> necessarily simple) way of reverse engineering the exe file so that I can
> get at the scripts?

If you did not password-protect your stack before building the exe, then 
the scripts will be in plain text in the executable. Open it in a text 
editor and they will be visible, in between all the binary code.

If you did password-protect the stack then you can't get access or 
extract the stack. To RR's credit, the ability to do that was removed 
some years ago. But you can write to support to see if they can help 
you. It may cost a fee.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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