Windows System Folder Script

Ken Ray kray at
Sun Jul 10 15:03:41 EDT 2011

On Jul 10, 2011, at 10:30 AM, Michael Kann wrote:
> on mouseUp
> set hideConsoleWindows to true 
> put shell(fld 1) into IGNORE
> end mouseUp
> -------------------
> -- gotchas
> -------------------
> Without the IGNORE you get the msg box popping up.

That's because you're using "put"... if you do:

   get shell(fld 1)

You don't need to worry about the IGNORE.

> You need quotes because of the spaces in some folder names. No spaces around the comma. Not sure why "explorer" is needed, but it seems to be required for the folder names with spaces. 

The reason you need "explorer" is because that is the command you need to execute on the command line in Windows in order to pass along the name of the folder you want to open. When you use "shell" it acts as if you had popped up the Start menu and entered "cmd" in the Run box and then hit enter to bring up a Windows console window and then typed your command and executed it. This is the reason for setting the hideConsoleWindows to true - it prevents the command window from being displayed.

When you pass a parameter with spaces to a command line app, you need to enclose it in quotes. You could just as easily done:

  put shell("explorer" && quote & "shell:Common Start Menu" & quote) into tCommonStartMenuFolder

without having to use a field.

> Folllowing is a list of the Vista Folders. You could put these in a fld and click on your choice. I've seen a similar list for XP and 7, but I can't seem to find it right now. Perhaps someone can locate it.

There's a comparable internal command in LiveCode for geting a 'specialFolderPath'; on Windows you need to provide either a constant or a number that translates to the proper folder path. To see these I have a list on my site:

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software, Inc.
Email: kray at
Web Site:	

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