Setting up Mac LiveCode apps on an iPad ?

Mark Schonewille m.schonewille at
Thu Jul 7 13:18:30 EDT 2011

Hi Francis,

No, a personal LiveCode license for iOS is not $99 but €94. This is a BIG difference. The European LiveCode license is MUCH more expensive than the American LiveCode license.

In addition to this, you have to pay an amount for the Apple Developer programme every year. I believe that the current price it $79. It is not a huge amount, but it isn't free either and you have to pay for it every year. You can't ignore this Apple rule. 

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
KvK: 50277553

New: Download the Installer Maker Plugin 1.6 for LiveCode here

On 7 jul 2011, at 19:09, Francis Nugent Dixon wrote:

> Hi from Beautiful Brittany,
> Mark wrote :
>> To make apps for your own iPad and keep them running,
>> you need to pay for the Apple dev programme every year
>> unfortunately.
> My bog mindles, Mark.
> Are you saying that :
> I BUY an iPad (at least $500)
> I BUY a software which enables me to install iOS
> apps on MY iPad (at least $99)
> and then :
> I have to PAY 94 euros and change to Apple for the
> privilege of running MY OWN program on MY OWN
> iPad - EVERY F***ING YEAR ?
> Does this mean that Apple knows when I run apps
> on my iPad, and that I haven't coughed up my $99 ?
> Or can I just ignore this hilarious Apple rule ?
> -Francis
> "Nothing should ever be done for the first time !" 

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