Setting up Mac LiveCode apps on an iPad ?

Francis Nugent Dixon effendi at
Thu Jul 7 13:09:34 EDT 2011

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,

Mark wrote :

> To make apps for your own iPad and keep them running,
> you need to pay for the Apple dev programme every year
> unfortunately.

My bog mindles, Mark.

Are you saying that :

I BUY an iPad (at least $500)
I BUY a software which enables me to install iOS
apps on MY iPad (at least $99)

and then :

I have to PAY 94 euros and change to Apple for the
privilege of running MY OWN program on MY OWN

Does this mean that Apple knows when I run apps
on my iPad, and that I haven't coughed up my $99 ?

Or can I just ignore this hilarious Apple rule ?


"Nothing should ever be done for the first time !" 

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