why does lock screen doesn't locks the screen?

Dick Kriesel dick.kriesel at mail.com
Fri Jul 1 05:02:38 EDT 2011

Hi, Tiemo.  Does it happen in a standalone?

from the dictionary:
Note:  When using script debug mode, the screen cannot be locked and the lock screen command has no effect.

-- Dick

On Jul 1, 2011, at 1:14 AM, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

> Hello,
> In a function I set the screenMouseLoc to four different locations on an
> image to get the mousecolor of these four locations.
> I have set the screen lock at the beginning of the function, but the cursor
> is flickering at all four locations, so obviously the screen is redrawn
> everytime I set the mouse at a new location  though the screenloc is true.
> What can I do to not see the mouse (and perhaps speed up the function), and
> why does the lock screen doesn't work in this case?
> Thanks
> Tiemo

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