Getting Contents of Multiple fields in order (Left-to-Right&Down)

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Sat Jan 29 14:35:31 EST 2011

On 1/29/11 1:05 PM, Jim Ault wrote:

> It depends on the authors desired logic.

 From the subject title, I'm assuming he wants "natural" reading order. 
Right to left, top to bottom. One of the problems I ran into (and the OP 
mentioned) is that if a field has a Y value slightly below another 
field, but not by much, our eye will see it as "in line" with the field 
next to it, but a sorting algorithm will see it as "below" the field 
next to it.

I tried looping to find successive topleft fields repeatedly, and that 
almost works, but you still get Y-offset problem. I'm thinking you'd 
need to define a cutoff point where a field location is arbitrarily 
defined as "below" the current line; probably the height of the field, I 

To John: I think I'd cop out and avoid the whole issue by providing 
"drop boxes" where fields will snap to known locations so that I know 
what order to read them in.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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