on-rev upload limits and Amazon S3 as an alternative

Martin Koob mkoob at rogers.com
Fri Jan 28 16:18:16 EST 2011

Hi Andre 

I have tried to combine a suggested bit of code from you to do HMACSHA1 and
some of the handlers from Marksmith's LibS3.  It generates a signature but
it is not accepted by AmazonS#.   It gives the error: 
"SignatureDoesNotMatchThe request signature we calculated does not match the
signature you provided. Check your key and signing method." 

in a file called s3auth.irev i put the following 
##From Andre Garzia 
function _oauthHMACSHA1 pContent, pPassword 
   put tempname() into tFile 
   put pContent into url ("binfile:" & tFile) 
   put format("cat %s | openssl dgst -sha1 -hmac %s", tFile, pPassword) into
   get shell(tCMD) 
   delete file tFile 
   return it 
end _oauthHMACSHA1 

##adapted from Mark Smith's LibS3 
## - I replaced  his hmacSha1.b64 handler to Andre Garzia's _oauthHMACSHA1
##AWS_SK is the AWS secret key which is set earlier 
function makeQauth pBucket, pObject, pExpiry 
   put makeObject(pBucket, pObject) into tObject 
   put "GET" & cr & cr & cr & pExpiry & cr & tObject into stringToSign 
   return urlencode(_oauthHMACSHA1(stringToSign, AWS_SK)) 
end makeQauth 

##from Mark Smith's LibS3 
##AWS_AK is the AWS access key which is set earlier 
function s3.timeLimitURL pBucket, pObject, pExpiry 
  put "http://" & pBucket & ".s3.amazonaws.com/" & pObject &
"?AWSAccessKeyId=" & AWS_AK into tUrl 
  put "&Expires=" & pExpiry & "&Signature=" & makeQauth(pBucket, pObject,
pExpiry) after tUrl 
  return tUrl 
end s3.timeLimitURL 

in another file 's3getfile.irev' I include the 's3auth.irev' file and call
the s.3timeLimitURL function 
put the seconds + (60 * 15) into tExpiry --15 minutes 
put "myveryownbucket" into tBucket 
put "myowntestmovie.m4v" into tObject 
put s3.timeLimitURL(tBucket, tObject, tExpiry) into tFileURL 

the tFileURL has all the elements it should have but the signature appears
longer than the one generated by Mark Smith's sample S3 application. 

Any ideas why the signature does not get generated correctly by the
FrankenCode I have thrown together? 


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