Web Plug In - Audio Options

Sivakatirswami katir at hindu.org
Fri Jan 28 15:57:37 EST 2011

Since the developer list is totally focus on iOS  and the full web-plug in is deferred for, now,
I posted this but got no response.

Anyone here on the Use List actively using the web Plug in as is?

I want to keep pushing it and do testing...

Can anyone share their experience with audio? I know this has been asked
and answered over and over again, and the lamentations and wailings of
LiveCode being so behind in this arena.. I will refrain from
re-iterating at length here.

Perhaps some of you have made headway with work arounds:

Do we have *any* fully cross platform options for playing multiple
sounds? AS we know, we can only play a single audio clip at at time.

Does the player object reliably call the native, platform specific A/V
components on Windows and Linux if QT is not installed?  and if so, what
control do we have over those components? the dictionary does not
distinquish what properties (like currenttime) are or are not available
for a player that is running on another platform without Quicktime. (I
know that players do run on Windows without QT installed, but no
controls appear as this is my cue to tell some of my users to install
QT, but that option will not be there with the plug in...) and I don't
see the documentation on what exactly we can and cannot control other
than start and stop, if QT is not installed and I have no clue what
happens on Linux)

I'm hoping someone can share the minimal baseline of cross platform
options that works, so I can save myself a lot of grief testing things
that are definitely not going to work. (I don't have any linux box here...)



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