RevBrowserPrint Problems

Ray Horsley ray at
Wed Jan 26 07:39:22 EST 2011

Ahh!  Makes perfect sense.  Now I wonder why I was expecting anything more
in the first place.  Thanks for this explanation, Jan.  I guess this would
be an area for LiveCode to improve but I'm not sure how this would be done
since printing via revBrowser seems out of LiveCodes' hands.  The only
solution I can imagine (which I haven't tried yet) would be to toy with
printing snapshots, but I'm sure this would produce pretty poor quality of
text on the print out.  I'll more than likely just have to design an
interface which work around this somehow.


Ray Horsley
LinkIt! Softwae

-----Original Message-----
From: use-livecode-bounces at
[mailto:use-livecode-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jan Schenkel
Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 12:22 AM
To: How to use LiveCode
Subject: Re: RevBrowserPrint Problems

--- On Tue, 1/25/11, Ray Horsley <ray at> wrote:
> Greetings,
> I'm printing a stack of 10 cards.  Cards 2, 4 and 6 display a URL via 
> the revBrowser commands while the others do not.  The following script 
> does not work since each time the revBrowserPrint command is called 
> the script continues to execute without waiting for the user to 
> dismiss the print dialog which revBrowser produces (and it's seems 
> there's no way to suppress the dialog).
> on printStack
>    repeat with C=1 to number of cards
>       go cd C
>       put the BrowserId of this cd into myId
>       if myId is a number then
>          revBrowserPrint
> myId
>       else print this cd
>    end repeat
> end printStack
> Wrapping the same kind of a script in 'open printing' and 'close 
> printing'
> also fails since revBroswerPrint seems to be oblivious to 'open 
> printing'.
> I've tried inserting an answer command to confirm printing each card.  
> This seems to work but then even this gets ahead of the 
> revBrowserPrint as the answer dialog window starts coming up on top of 
> a previously displayed print dialog produced by revBrowserPrint which 
> the user hasn't dismissed yet (and need to dismiss first or printing 
> gets out of order).
> Anybody with any ideas on how to work around this?
> Thanks,
> Ray Horsley
> LinkIt! Software

Sorry to disappoint you, Ray, but revBrowserPrint is completely separate
from LiveCode's built-in printing mechanism: it merely asks the embedded
browser control (WebKit on MacOSX, InternetExplorer on Windows) to print as
if the user had gone to the regular browser application and clicked the
'Print' button there.
This means none of the LiveCode print properties and commands have any
influence (printPaperOrientation, printRanges, printCopies and printerName
to point out the obviously interesting ones) on how the browser decides to
print - and it won't work "silently" either.

Jan Schenkel.
Quartam Reports & PDF Library for LiveCode

"As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time."
(La Rochefoucauld)


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