[ANN] TimeMachine

Klaus on-rev klaus at major.on-rev.com
Sun Jan 23 06:50:25 EST 2011

Hi Roger,

> My goal for TimeMachine was to explore a truer perspective of the timescales of events relative to the enormous 13.7 billion year age of the universe. As an example, the entire history of human existence is like 7 seconds on a clock scaled to 14 billion years. TimeMachine will allow you to select various timescales, and then move through that time span to view images of well-known events. 
> My apologies for not being able to upload this stack to RevOnline due to unknown technical difficulties. But, I really want to share this stack. So, you may download it by going to the download page of my website at    
> http://web.me.com/irog/Roger_Guay/Downloads.html  
> As usual, I want to thank the LiveCode community for many of the ideas, techniques, tricks etc. that you'll find in TimeMachine. You folks are a total inspiration to me, and I hope you will enjoy this stack as much as I enjoyed building it.

just wonderful and very informative!
Thanks a lot for sharing!

> Cheers,
> Roger



Klaus Major
klaus at major.on-rev.com

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