Is this doable at a newbie level?

Calvin Waterbury cjw at
Fri Jan 14 19:29:59 EST 2011


The below features list is for a small utility I *need* right now, but I 
can wait long enough to code it.  ;)

Please, resist the urge to whip out the code and post it.  I want to try 
something myself.  I *know* this can be done in LC.  What I am asking is 
if you think the following can be done by a newbie to LC?

Thanks, Calvin

PS - Don't go away... I may *need* you to "whip out" some syntax later!  
Here's the list...

Here is a list of requested features...

* "Always On Top" option
* Three Buttons.
     o Date
            o Time
            o Date and Time
             + The "Date and Time" button to include date, at least in 
this specific format, but others can be included...
                   "Nov 15, 2010 02:43 PM" (color only for reference, 
not needed in app.)
                   Please ask me for other formats, if you want to 
include them?

* Optional Radio buttons to select Date/Time formats *if* you have the 
time and inclination.  The Date & Time format above,"Nov 15, 2010 02:43 
PM," is my only immediate need.
     o "Date & Time"  Mmm DD, YYYY HH:MM AM (the same as the above exact 
example that is really the most important format.)
     o Another Date format MM/DD/YY (Example: 01/14/11)
     o Time format 1: HH:MM (24 Hr Clock)
     o Time format 2: HH:MM AM (12 Hr Clock)
     o YYYYMMDDHHSS  -  I use this to prefix file names as a simple date 
tagging system.

* It would be nice to be typing in a text editor and just click the 
"Insert Date" button and populate it in the document I am working on, 
but I can settle for sending it to the clipboard if that is all that can 
be done easily.

* Small footprint
     o Just big enough for the radio buttons (for the format selections) 
and the three "Date," Time" and "Date & Time" insertion buttons.
         o Menu in Right-Click menu, if easier.

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