Drag and drop a Bookmark

Marty Knapp martyknapp at comcast.net
Mon Feb 28 01:01:26 EST 2011

Hey Thomas,

You need to get the contents of the dragData. Here's a quick a dirty 
script that will put the name of the bookmark on line 1 and the url on 
line 2. Put this in the field script:

on dragenter
   set the acceptdrop to true
end dragenter

on dragdrop
    set the itemDelimiter to "/"
    put item -1 of the dragData & cr into me
    put url("file:" & the dragdata) into tData
    get lineOffset("<string>",tData)
    put char 10 to -10 of line it of tData after me
end dragdrop

Marty Knapp
> Hi
> I'd like to drag a bookmark off a browser and drop it in a field in LiveCode. So far I get only the titel of the bookmark in the field but not the URL. For instance, I get "iGoogle" but I would like to get "http://www.google.com/ig". Or even better, I want to retrieve both chunks. How do I do this?
> Thanks
> Thomas
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