standalones and external files
edward cawley
etcawley at
Thu Feb 24 21:55:56 EST 2011
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2011 17:39:07 -0600
> From: "J. Landman Gay" <jacque at>
> To: How to use LiveCode <use-livecode at>
> Subject: Re: standalones and external files
> Message-ID: <4D659A9B.7010104 at>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> On 2/23/11 4:59 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:
>> On 2/23/11 2:59 PM, edward cawley wrote:
>>> I'm still having problems with the standalones. I have tried it
>>> setting my stack "KTRiver" as a standalone directly and by way of a
>>> Launcher stack. In both cases the resulting apps do not access the
>>> files in a Resources folder which is in the same folder with the
>>> standalone app.The Launcher standalone works fine but my "KTRiver"
>>> livecode stack is present and will run but none of the images , audio
>>> or text fields which are in the resources file show. It acts as if
>>> they can't find the "filename".
>> I'm not sure I understand how you've set things up. Have you embedded
>> all these resources into a stack? If so, your standalone needs to
>> specifically open that stack so it is in the message path.
>> But it's usually better and more reliable to just make your resources
>> stack a substack of the main one before you build a standalone. Then you
>> don't have to worry about it, everything is always available. You don't
>> have to open anything or even show the substack.
>> Another way is to forget about a resources stack, and move all the
>> resources into files on disk. Then reference them by path in your
>> scripts. For images, you'd set the filename of the image object to the
>> path on disk. For audio and video, set the filename of a player object.
>> That's often the best way to handle it, and is usually less memory
>> intensive.
> On second thought, maybe you are already loading files from disk. If so,
> it's most likely a path problem. How are you referencing the files? Are
> you using relative paths?
Yes I am using external paths and I figured out that the standalone included a folder in the bundle but did not transfer the files into the folder. I changed the name of the folder from "resources" to "MisippFiles" and copied the files into the folder in the bundle of the standalone. It works fine now.
I am testing the windows app in VM Fusion, it is working fine with the exception that the movie in a player does not run in windows. Do I have to install the quick time player into VM Fusion or use the windows media player?
Thanks for the help, I was getting frustrated since it seemed that some of the files were being transferred but not all
> --
> Jacqueline Landman Gay | jacque at
> HyperActive Software |
> ------------------------------
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