RevServer deployment on OSX Server

Björnke von Gierke bvg at
Fri Feb 18 17:33:32 EST 2011

Wow you had some scary complicated cgi setup :D

I always had one cgi to rule them all, and then images and sql in the background. sometimes files for content (not for templates). I planned on using modrewrite to fake pages out of that, but normally i'd pass on that due to lazy. For debuging I used the page as message box, or would add a try statement around everything. Got a nice complex cms solution out of that. But then, it never was used in a real setting...

On 18 Feb 2011, at 22:22, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> On 2/18/11 1:41 PM, Keith Clarke wrote:
>> Thanks for the clarification Jaque. So, I already had the current
>> LiveCode server before I 'invested' in the revServer myth.
> Depends on what we're talking about. You asked about feature parity; in that respect, 3.5 and 4.x are similar as far as what you can do with server-side scripting and the engine itself. There are bug fixes in 4.x of course and some added commands and syntax that might be useful depending on what you need to do.
> But as far as use and interface, the two are quite different. I find RevServer to be far easier to work with, debug, and write code for. I can use includes, CSS, and other native HTML features. Avoiding the older CGI tedium is a huge plus. Like I said, if you have ever tried to debug a CGI you are in for some major hair-pulling. And constructing HTML from a CGI is tedious, verbose, and often requires templates stored on the server which have to be read in and altered by script. Generating HTML from a CGI requires pages of "&quote&" syntax or merges. And then there is the astronomical number of trips back and forth between your server error logs -- which tell you almost nothing about what's really wrong -- and your text editor, which is where you'll be writing your scripts.
> When using irev, everything is integrated on one page. The HTML is native and doesn't need to be generated. You can mix normal HTML with LC scripting as needed. No translations or merges are necessary. Irev allows you to set a global flag that will put error messages right into the browser where you can read what's wrong immediately. IRev pages load as normal URLs like other web pages, without needing to call out to the CGI-bin directory.
> If I never have to look at a server error log again, it will be too soon. The very first irev page I made was a re-make of an older CGI. Let me look that up...
> Old CGI required:
>  In CGI-bin folder:
>    CGI text script to run everything (about 30 lines)
>    Text file of image names
>    Text file HTML template, for merging with generated output
>  In web directory:
>    Folder of images to display
>    HTML page containing an iFrame to display CGI output
> New iRev page requires (all in web directory):
>  HTML-irev page with 2 lines of LiveCode script
>  Text file of image names
>  Folder of images to display
> The page in action is here: <>. There's a link to my CGI tutorial there too if you want to see what's involved with those.
> Sorry this got so long.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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