Call for Linux apps

Joe Lewis Wilkins pepetoo at
Fri Feb 18 10:37:55 EST 2011

Out of curiosity, Andre did this start out as an HyperCard stack. In the beginning most everyone I know created an HyperCard Calculator of some sort. I know I did. Began as a simple scientific Calculator and, eventually, became my structural calculator; something I converted to Rev/LC as my first project. I use it almost every day though I've never taken the time to smooth out the UI or create an "How to Use" document. It's only 123 kb in size.

Joe Lewis Wilkins
Architect & Director of Product Development for GSI

On Feb 18, 2011, at 5:35 AM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Richard,
> I've built two little applications that I use all the time on my
> Ubuntu installation. First is RPNCalc, I've tested many RPN
> calculators for linux and never found one I liked, so I built mine.
> Even though I face LiveCode integer limits, I most do simple
> calculations and don't need much. For simple stuff, my calculator
> rocks!
> You can see how it looks like here:
> It is available on RevOnline as a stack and as a standalone for linux
> here:
> It has all the simple arithmetic stuff plus a rolldown button and a
> repeating T register. For my needs, it covers everything. (and it is
> RPN)
> I've also built LocoSnap which is a simple screenshot tool that I use
> alot from inside the LiveCode IDE and sometimes to take shots of other
> stuff as well. It has some features to upload screenshots by FTP from
> inside itself which rocks with clients. Very easy to use.
> It looks like this:
> It is available from RevOnline
> Both stacks are tools, they are not complete but are more complete
> than stuff I've seen shipped. The Calculator faces integer limits so
> it should not be used for big int stuff. It could be augmented with
> some GMP external but I am yet to build such beast. LocoSnap is
> resizable, so I drag the image inside it near corners and resize it to
> fit the image with some padding and then save, this way, my shots have
> the correct size.
> Both look good thanks to Chipps Interface Designer tool.
> RPNCalc is my calculator on Ubuntu, on Mac OS X and I had it running
> on iOS for a while but it was slow (RevMobile first alpha) so I
> removed it, will maybe add it again. If you want to show cross
> platform stuff, I can rebuild it for iOS and give you some shots, it
> would amaze some people to see a software from a single codebase
> running on macs, windows, linux and iOS even if it can't handle large
> integers...

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