revZip external

Björnke von Gierke bvg at
Thu Feb 10 15:59:34 EST 2011

I told you it's possible. please stop saying it is not. It's hard and unwieldily and neither you nor i want to do it, but nontheless it is possible to do it.

see also this non-complete example by trevor:

> You can use revZip if you want. Here are two (uncommented) handlers I use for zipping/unzipping folders. When zipping you can probably just concern yourself with the first 3 params.
> I should point out that you need to open/close the zip archive outside of the handlers I provided.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Trevor DeVore
> Blue Mango Learning Systems
>    -
> -- Leave pFolderPath empty. It is used recursively
> command zipAddFolderToArchive pZipArchivePath, pRootFolderPath, pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames, pFilesToExclude, pExtensionsThatArentCompressed, pFolderPath
>    local theArchiveItemName,theCharNo,theError,theFile
>    local theFiles,theFolder,theFolders
>    put pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames is true into pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames
>    set the wholematches to true
>    replace comma with cr in pExtensionsThatArentCompressed
>    if pFolderPath is empty then
>        put pRootFolderPath into pFolderPath    
>        if pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames then
>            set the itemdel to slash    # we want folder to be reflected in archive item name
>            delete item -1 of pRootFolderPath
>        end if
>    end if
>    put fileFilesInFolder(pFolderPath, true, true) into theFiles
>    filter theFiles without ".DS_Store"
>    set the itemdel to "."
>    repeat for each line theFile in theFiles
>        if theFile is among the lines of pFilesToExclude then next repeat
>        put theFile into theArchiveItemName
>        put offset(pRootFolderPath, theArchiveItemName) into theCharNo
>        if theCharNo is 0 then return "file is not in expected folder"
>        delete char 1 to (the number of chars of pRootFolderPath + 1) of theArchiveItemName     # strip root folder up to slash (zip item names shouldn't start with a slash)
>        if item -1 of theArchiveItemName is among the lines of pExtensionsThatArentCompressed then
>            revZipAddUncompressedItemWithFile pZipArchivePath, theArchiveItemName, theFile
>        else
>            revZipAddItemWithFile pZipArchivePath, theArchiveItemName, theFile
>        end if
>        if the result is not empty then
>            put the result into theError
>            exit REPEAT
>        end if
>    end REPEAT
>    if theError is empty then
>        put fileFoldersInFolder(pFolderPath, true, true) into theFolders
>        repeat for each line theFolder in theFolders
>            zipAddFolderToArchive pZipArchivePath, pRootFolderPath, pIncludeRootFolderInArchiveItemNames, pFilesToExclude, pExtensionsThatArentCompressed, theFolder
>            put the result into theError
>            if theError is not empty then
>                exit REPEAT
>            end if
>        end REPEAT
>    end if
>    return theError
> end zipAddFolderToArchive
> command zipDecompressArchiveToFolder pZipArchivePath, pOutputFolder, pItemsToExclude, pCallbackHandler
>    local theError
>    if the last char of pOutputFolder is slash then delete the last char of pOutputFolder
>    set the wholematches to true
>    put the filetype into theFileType
>    set the filetype to empty
>    put revZipEnumerateItems(pZipArchivePath) into theArchiveItems
>    put the number of lines of theArchiveItems into theItemCount
>    repeat for each line theArchiveItem in theArchiveItems
>        add 1 to i
>        if theArchiveItem is among the lines of pItemsToExclude then next repeat
>        put pOutputFolder & slash & theArchiveItem into theFilePath
>        put fileExtractDirectory(theFilePath) into theDirectoryPath
>        if theDirectoryPath is not pOutputFolder then
>            fileCreateAllFoldersInPath theDirectoryPath, pOutputFolder
>            put the result into theError
>        end if
>        if theError is empty then
>            if pCallbackHandler is not empty then
>                put CardOf(the long id of the target) into theCard
>                put "send" && quote & pCallbackHandler && "i, theItemCount" & quote && "to theCard" into theDo
>                do theDo
>            end if
>            revZipExtractItemToFile pZipArchivePath, theArchiveItem, theFilePath
>            put the result into theError
>        end if
>        if theError is not empty then exit REPEAT
>    end REPEAT
>    set the filetype to theFileType
>    return theError
> end zipDecompressArchiveToFolder
> function fileFilesInFolder pFolder, pFullPath, pIncludeHidden
>    local theDefault,theFile,theFiles,theFullFiles
>    if there is not a folder pFolder then return empty
>    if last char of pFolder is not slash then put slash after pFolder
>    put the defaultfolder into theDefault
>    set the defaultfolder to pFolder
>    put the files into theFiles
>    set the defaultfolder to theDefault
>    if pIncludeHidden is not true then
>        filter theFiles without ".*"
>    else
>        filter theFiles without "..*"
>    end if
>    if pFullPath then
>        repeat for each line theFile in theFiles
>            put pFolder & theFile & cr after theFullFiles
>        end REPEAT
>        delete last char of theFullFiles
>        return theFullFiles
>    else
>        return theFiles
>    end if
> end fileFilesInFolder
On 10 Feb 2011, at 21:54, Klaus on-rev wrote:

> Hi all,
> Am 10.02.2011 um 21:40 schrieb Björnke von Gierke:
>> it was always possible to zip a folder. as long as you go and recoursively add all the stuff within the folder to the folder hieararchy within the zip. and do the reverse for unzipping of course.
> Again, that's what I wanted to avoid.
>> not trivial, but not impossible either.
> ...and tedious anyway :-)
>> (note: haven't done it myself)
> AHA! :-D
> So my conclusion is, although noone answered my question directly, one cannot ZIP a folder INCLUDING the folder!
> But what about unZIPping an archive created from the outside that DOES include a folder or two?
> Anyone tried this and succeeded?
> And another, more rhetoric question, why can every cheap-o ZIP app do this but RevZip can't?
> This was an enhancement request from june 2007 from Bill Marriot himself:
> <>
> Best
> Klaus
> --
> Klaus Major
> klaus at
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